Two pump rotor spinning rod through the implementation drive. 两个泵转子通过旋转的抽油杆实现驱动。
Failure form analysis of screw pump's drive rod and its structural optimization 螺杆泵驱动杆失效形式分析及结构优化设计
It can be used in antomatic eddy testing of the tubings with joints, and also in the automatic testing of pump rod. 该设备主要用于带接箍油管的全自动化涡流探伤,也可用于抽油杆的自动检测。
Free casing pump Garrett looping rod mill 套管型活动式井下泵加勒特活套式线材轧机
The corrosion on suck rod, tubing and pump are serious, resulting pump leakage and rod broke, during exploration. 在开发过程中,出现严重的抽油泵、管及抽油杆腐蚀和偏磨现象,造成泵漏、杆等问题。
The primary goal of this research is the non-linear properties of the loose joint of membrane pump's connecting rod and slider. 主要研究了隔膜泵曲柄滑块机构连杆小头与滑块连接副松动的非线性特性。
In heavy oil production, the friction damping force that the pump rod may stand during its movement in liquid may be as big as tens of kilo-newtons. 在稠油开采中,抽油杆在液体中运动时,所受到的摩擦阻尼力很大,有时高达几十千牛。
Optimum design of reciprocating pump connecting rod based on APDL 基于APDL的往复泵连杆优化设计
Some factors, such as the increase of water cut, the enlargement of the operation parameters for well pumping unit and paraffin deposit, will result in the increase of suspension center loading of rod pumped well and fatigue breakdown of pump rod. 原油含水上升、抽油机工作参数变大、结蜡等因素,都将导致抽油机井悬点载荷增加,引起抽油杆的疲劳损坏。
Analysis of Working Behaviors of a Combination Lifting of Jet Pump with Sucker Rod Pumping 射流泵与有杆泵组合举升性能分析
Though analyzing the indicator diagram of pump, we can estimate the affection caused by sand and wax and gas and the failures such as leakage of pump and pipe pole and pump oil rod broke and block pump. 通过对地下示功图的分析,可以判断砂、蜡、气等对抽油泵的影响及泵的漏失、管柱的漏失、抽油杆的断脱、卡泵等故障。
An analysis and optimum design system for surface-driven screw pump and sucker rod of directional wells is developed. 开发了地面驱动螺杆泵油井抽油杆系统分析与最优设计系统;
For straight well screw pump rod, fix a centralizer every three rod will meet the demand. 对直井螺杆泵抽油杆柱,每3根杆柱安放一扶正器即可达到杆体无接触的要求。
That using this method to lower the ignited head and perforation guns separately and combining the technology of pump with rod makes the pump rod system to produce and control the needed under pressure after perforation and produces directly. 采用点火头和射孔枪身分离下井的方法,结合抽油杆泵技术,抽油杆泵系统可以产生且控制射孔后所需负压,射孔后可以直接投产。
An Optimal Design Method of Downhole Pump Depth and Rod String Assemblage in Pumping Wells 下泵深度及抽油杆柱组合优化设计方法
The production centralizer has the following functions, such as decreasing loss of plunger stroke and leakage, setting pump rod upright, loading with several segments and alleviating the fatigue load of pump rod. 增抽扶正器具有减少冲程损失、减少漏失、抽油杆扶正以及实现分段举升,减轻抽油杆的疲劳负荷等功能。
Relay lift technology of jet pump and sucker rod pump 喷射泵有杆泵接替举升工艺探讨
Technique Improvement of Fuel Injection Pump Gear Rod Sliding 提高喷油泵齿杆滑动性的工艺改进
Improvements on the processing and operating technology are also proposed in the hope of reducing the failure of the screw pump polished rod. 为了减少螺杆泵井光杆的断裂,还对光杆的加工工艺以及使用工艺提出了改进的方法。
Optimization design theory of screw pump production system has been discussed particularly, which include selection of screw pump, rod, tube, matching tool and drive sub. 详细论述了聚驱螺杆泵生产系统优选理论,包括螺杆泵的选择、抽油杆柱、油管、配套工具和驱动头的选择。
Rotation Technique for Downhole Pump Rod 井下抽油杆旋转技术
In the stage of cold production, two lifting methods as screw pipe pump and rod pump can be applied, with assisting viscosity reducing measures which include adding viscosity reducing agent through the hollow rod or the production casing annular and electrical rod heating. 在冷采阶段可采用螺杆泵和有杆泵2种举升方式,均需辅以降黏措施,降黏方式有空心杆掺入降黏剂、油套环空掺降黏剂和电杆伴热3种。
Research on the dynamics model of surface-driven single progressing cavity pump rod and centralizer design 螺杆泵采油井扶正器位置设计动力学研究
According to the occurrence of corrosion and scaling of pump rod and tubing in Cha 19 Block of Huabei Oilfield, the main influential factors of corrosion and scaling were analyzed. 根据华北油田岔19断块油井抽油杆、管腐蚀结垢现象,分析了油井腐蚀结垢的主要影响因素;
Some measures, such as reasonable optimization of string structure, the application of high endurance pump rod, determination of reasonable hot flushing cycles for producers and improvement of paraffin cutting pump rod technology, can be used to effectively control well pumping unit break. 通过合理优化管柱结构、应用高强度抽油杆确定合理的油井热洗周期、改进刮蜡抽油杆加工工艺等措施可有效防治和减缓抽油杆断裂的发生。
Predict remaining lifetime of pump rod by ultrasonic signal 用超声波检测信号预报抽油杆剩余寿命
Meanwhile, the pump setting depth can be deepened, producing pressure drawdown can be increased, crude output and economic benefit can be improved by using conventional tubing, rod pump, rod and beam unit. 利用常规的管、杆、泵、抽油机,可以大幅度加深泵挂,放大生产压差,增加原油产量,提高经济效益。
Wire rope flexible rod is mainly constituted by the traction belt ( or chain), sealed pump, elastic rod, add pole, trolley, plunger and other components. 钢丝绳柔性抽油杆主要由牵引带(或链条)、密封泵、弹性抽油杆、钢丝绳、加重杆、拉杆、柱塞等部件组成。
The down stroke, due to the special structure of hydraulic feedback pump, the liquid column loads on the pump to increase rod load to help sucker rod smoothly downstream, resulting in the rod string design method is different from the ordinary pump. 由于液压反馈式抽稠泵的特殊结构,在下冲程时,液柱载荷作用在泵上,以增大悬点载荷帮助抽油杆柱顺利下行,致使其杆柱设计方法与普通泵不同。
This directly driven screw pump system can be very efficient in production and economical in power consumption and also prevent the mechanical accident including the break-ff of pump rod effectively, thus extending the working time but lessening the labor intensity. 直驱式螺杆泵驱动系统不但具有效率高、节能环保等优点,而且还可以有效防止泵杆断裂等机械事故,增加采油工作时间,降低工人劳动强度,有很好的发展前景。